AgroAqua specializes in Financial Engineering (FE) as well as in the construction and operation of sustainable land-based fish farms such as closed recirculation systems (RAS) and flow through systems (FTS). Long-term experience in the project development and implementation of projects in the fields of aquaculture plants and water treatment plants ensure a successful overall processing of these technically complex plants for all species of fish which can be cultivated in these plants.
In addition to its extensive experience in these business-fields, AgroAqua also has an excellent network of investors all over the world, who are increasingly willing to invest in sustainable aquaculture facilities due to the ever-increasing demand for fish, environmentally relevant topics and not least due to interesting financial returns.
Last but not least, we provide our customers with a unique overall portfolio in this segment through years of management experience in the area of food trading, risk management and proven control systems.
AgroAqua has also devoted its attention to agronomic issues in the last few years and also offers "biological" solutions, such as the treatment of manure and manure for agriculture. In this way, the harmful environmental pollution caused by nitrate and nitrite is almost completely biodegraded.

René Schmidt
Chief Executive Officer / shareholder
...specializes in risk-/ management, by longtime occupation as manager at KPMG Zurich, as well as the investment field for international financial institutions. Since 1992 fisheries inspector in Switzerland and already more than 10 years in aquaculture business, particularly active in biology division and risk analysis of the fish farming business.

+43 (0) 664 / 34 14 304

Josef Markus Hammertinger
technic / shareholder
...specializes in all constructional procedures by longtime occupa-tion as master builder, explicitly for wastewater treatment plants. For more than 10 years in aquaculture business, particularly active in engineering division.

+43 (0) 664 / 61 121 13